Copyright Registration

Protect your creative work and secure your rights with Copyright Registration. Don’t let others steal or misuse your content. Register your copyrights today and gain legal protection against infringement. Take control of your intellectual property and safeguard your artistic endeavors.

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Copyright is the exclusive right by law to do certain actions in respect of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings.

Advantages Of Copyright Registration Online

It ensures that there is your name mentioned in the public record as the owner of the copyrighted material It provides you certain rights regarding the copyrightable material which has been exclusively used by the copyright owner. It enables you to sue infringers before the court of law

Copyright is a right given by the law to creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and producers of cinematograph films and sound recordings.

Any individual who is an author or rights owner or assignee or legal heir can file application for copyright of a work.

A web-site contains several works such as literary works, artistic works (photographs etc.), sound recordings, video clips, cinematograph films and broadcastings and computer software too. Therefore, separate applications have to be filed for registration of all these works.

Generally, the term of copyright is the lifetime of the author plus 60 years thereafter.

Yes. Computer Software or programme can be registered as a ‘literary work’. Literary Work includes computer programmes, tables and compilations including computer databases”.

After you file your application and receive diary number you have to wait for a mandatory period of 30 days so that no objection is filed in the Copyright office against your claim. In case any objection is filed, the Registrar of Copyrights after giving an opportunity of hearing to both the parties may decide to register the work or otherwise.

Documents Required For Copyright Registration

Registration guarantees legal protection guards goodwill and restricts unlawful reproduction of the work of the inventor. Global protection as the copyright in India is known virtually worldwide.

Basic details of Candidate – Basic details like Name, Address, and Nationality of the candidate are required before registration.

Get a Trademark Certificate for Artistic Work – If you are submitting copyright registration for any artistic work, a clear copyright search certificate has to be taken from the trademark office before submission.

Soft Copies and CDs – Candidate must make a soft copy of his/her work and all files optionally in JPEG, JPG or GIF format. If you wish to file a copyright for your computer programs, then you must prepare 4 CDs or DVDs of the particular computer programs

Power of Attorney – The power of attorney rightfully signed by the candidate is mandatory to authorize us as your representative. A copyright registration benefits in the creation of assets i.e. and intangible assets and can be traded, franchised or commercially contracted.

Procedure For Copyright Registration Online

An application (including all the particulars and the statement of the particulars) in the format of FORM IV has to have to be sent to the registrar along with the requisite fees (mentioned in Schedule 2 of the act.). A separate application has to be made for separate works

 Every application has to be signed by the applicant as well as an Advocate in whose favor a POA has been executed The registrar will issue a Diary No. and then there is a mandatory waiting time for a period of 30 days for any objections to be received.

 If there are no objections received within 30 days, the scrutinizer will check the application for any discrepancy and if no discrepancy is there, the registration will be done and an extract will be sent to the registrar for entry in the Register of Copyright.

 If any objection is received, the examiner will send a letter to both the parties about the objections and will give them both a hearing. After the hearing, if the objections are resolved the scrutinizer will scrutinize the application and approve or reject the application as the case may.

Apply For Copyright Registration Online

  • Copyright is a sort of intellectual property protection, similar to trademarks and patents. Copyright registration is governed by the Copyright Act of 1957. When you register your copyright, you become the legal owner of your creative work, which includes books, paintings, music, and websites. Copyright registration with authority protects the author’s original work. No one is allowed to use it without the author’s or creator’s consent. The author has the right to charge for the use or modification of his work. The inventor’s rights are protected by copyright registration.
  • In India, the registration grants the owner exclusive, individual rights to disseminate, replicate, and reproduce the work and give permission to another entity to do so. It grants a slew of rights, including public communication, replication, adaptation, and translation of the work. Ideas, techniques, methods of operation, and mathematical concepts, on the other hand, are not copyrighted.
  • Copyright is a legal comfort granted to artists who create works of art. Copyrights are protected under “The Copyright Act, 1957,” which has been amended multiple times. The owner’s rights to their invention are protected by copyright registration. Because the Copyright registration method safeguards the labour of authors, artists, and designers, the author/writer is encouraged to generate more.
  • The author can use Copyright Registration to safeguard the original representation of an idea in the form of creative work, but not the concept itself. It also aids with the prevention of unauthorized use of the original work and encourages originality.


Want to Apply for Copyright Registration Online? Looking for a leading consultancy? If yes, then reach out to E-Filing Center We are working as a leading consulting firm that helps handle copyright-related legal work. From checking eligibility to application filling, documents required, and other formalities, we will help you with everything. We make the process of Copyright Registration Online hassle-free! So, connect with us today and protect your work using the copyright laws and enjoy the benefits

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Who Can Apply For Copyright Registration Online ?

  • Musical work & Sound recording
  • Books
  • Sound recording
  • Published Editions
  • Cinematography film
  • Computer programs
  • Website
  • Artistic work like paintings
  • Photographs
  • Original literary
  • Broadcasts on Radio and Television

Reasons To Get Copyright Registration Online

The answer is straightforward: copyright registration considerably increases the value of the rights. The value of copyrights can be grown in a variety of ways by registering them.

A Public Record:

Copyright registration keeps a public record of copyright ownership. In copyright issues, ownership is frequently a point of contention. Even if an alleged infringer does not claim to be the author, the copyright owner must establish that it is the legitimate owner of the copyrights in order to win a copyright infringement action.

When a would-be infringer is knowledgeable enough to verify copyright registrations and considers utilizing the work without authorization, the record may be a useful protective tool. In the event that ownership is contested in the future, a public document proving a claim to copyrights will go a long way toward demonstrating ownership.

Assumption Of Ownership

In actuality, courts have held that registration before, or within five years of, the work’s publication offers prima facie proof of the copyrights’ validity and the information stated in the registration certificate, including the identity of the copyright owner. This means that copyright ownership is presumed, and anybody wishing to challenge ownership must show otherwise. This presumption is especially relevant when an alleged violation causes the copyright owner significant and irreparable loss. The copyright owner needs an immediate court injunction telling the suspected infringement to stop doing what they’re doing.

The Ability To Enforce Copyrights Through A Copyright Infringement Lawsuit

The opportunity to launch a lawsuit for copyright infringement is perhaps the most crucial feature of copyright registration. Until the US Copyright Office has granted a roll, a copyright owner cannot initiate a lawsuit to enforce or protect its copyrights. After an application is filed, the Copyright Office usually takes around seven months to provide registration, though it can take longer in rare cases. Although expedited review (at a much higher fee) might be sought, any additional time—especially in issues where the infringement is inflicting substantial harm—can be exceedingly costly.

Before launching a copyright infringement lawsuit, most attorneys are aware of the registration requirement. As a result, registration adds credibility when/if the copyright owner is required to serve a cease-and-desist letter on a suspected infringement. A copyright owner who can launch a lawsuit immediately away is in a far better position than one who has waited months to act on a threat. Furthermore, as shown below, registering prior to infringement might result in significant financial rewards if the copyrights are later infringed.

Statutory Damages, Attorney Fees, And Suit Costs Eligibility

A copyright owner becomes entitled to statutory damages if his or her copyrights are registered prior to infringement (or within three months of the work’s release). This might be incredibly beneficial to establish damages in a copyright infringement lawsuit. A statutory damages award lets a copyright owner collect a set sum for each work infringed, regardless of whether the owner can establish actual damages. Eligibility for this additional measure of damages might provide you with the power you need to settle a lawsuit early before you spend a lot of money on it.

A copyright owner who registers during this period is also eligible for an award of attorney fees and expenses of the action.

Protection Against Illegal Actions

Owners of registered copyrights are eligible to participate in a US Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) programme. CBP seizes and detains imported products that infringe on intellectual property rights in the US. To take part in this programme, you must first register.

What Is Copyright Infringement?

The use or creation of copyright-protected work without the authorization of the copyright owners is known as copyright infringement. Copyright infringement occurs when a third party infringes on the copyright holder’s rights, such as the exclusive use of a work. Music and movies are two of the most well-known kinds of entertainment subjected to substantial copyright violations.

The illegal use of a copyrighted work is known as copyright infringement. Thus, it is the unauthorized use of another copyrighted work, thereby infringing on the copyright holder’s rights to reproduce, distribute, display, or perform the protected work.

It is defined under Section 51 of the Copyright Act when copyright is infringed. Copyright is considered violated under Section 51 of the Act if:

  • Without the copyright holder’s permission, an act that only the copyright holder is entitled to carry out is carried out.
  • Unless they know or has reason to believe that such authorization would result in a copyright violation, a person allows the use of a place for the transmission, sale, distribution, or exhibition of an infringing work.
  • Copies of a work that are infringing are imported into the nation.
  • A person reproduces his work in any way without the authorization of the copyright owners.

Example Of Copyright Infringement

  • If someone utilizes another person’s song as background music in a music video, he may be charged with copyright infringement.
  • Copyright infringement occurs when someone downloads movies or songs from an illegal source.
  • A person is permitted to record a television show for subsequent viewing, but transferring or distributing it to others is a copyright violation.

Copyright Infringement Issues

  • Over the years, the Copyright Office has dealt with a wide range of copyright infringement concerns. Still, as technology has advanced, the Copyright Office has had to deal with an increasing number of difficulties in order to stay up with innovation.

Why Get Copyright Registration Online By E-Filing Center?

  • Our expert and highly dedicated team members will help you with everything from application procedures to documents required for copyright registration in India. They will guide you with everything.
  • We respect your privacy! That’s why we keep your details and data confidential. They are 100% safe and secure in our hands!
  • We pride ourselves on providing quality service before time with a 100% guarantee.
  • Our dedicated customer care team will remain accessible round the clock to offer instant assistance.