FSSAI Registration Online

FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India which is an organization that monitors and governs the food business in India. It is an autonomous body that is established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.


FSSAI Central License

Obtain the FSSAI Central License for your food business and ensure compliance with safety standards.

FSSAI State License

Safeguard your brand identity with Trademark Registration, establishing your unique presence in the market.

FSSAI Basic License

Get started quickly with FSSAI Basic License, perfect for small-scale food businesses and startups.

FSSAI Annual Returns

Stay compliant effortlessly with FSSAI Annual Returns, ensuring smooth operations for your food business.

Types Of FSSAI Licenses

FSSAI License Registration is categorized under three categories as mentioned below:

FSSAI Basic Registration – Annual turnover below Rs. 12 lakh for food businesses

FSSAI State License – Annual turnover more than Rs. 12 lakh but below Rs. 20 crore for food businesses

FSSAI Central License – Annual turnover more than Rs. 20 crore for food businesses

FSSAI License Registration In India Requirements

FSSAI License  Registration in  India is a basic license and it is required for all the FBOs involved in the small-scale food business.

This category covers the following businesses

    1. Any FBO with an annual turnover of not more than Rs. 12 lakh.
    2. Petty retailer dealing in food products
    3. Any person who manufactures or sells any food article by himself
    4. Food sale is done by the temporary stall holder
    5. Any individual who distributes food in any religious or social gathering except a caterer
    6. Small-scale or cottage industries dealing in the food business

The FSSAI is a governmental body tasked with ensuring food safety in India. The FSSAI registration was created at the central level, to ensure that food products being sold in the Indian marketplace would adhere to a set of guidelines and regulations at any given time. In other words, the main goal of an FSSAI registration was to ensure public health, through a mechanism of regulation and supervision of food safety in the country. The department issues licenses to various businesses on the basis of an FSSAI fee. The FSSAI fee is paid at the time of registration, and the subsequent number issued is printed on their product or mentioned in a prominent place, for the general public.

The FSSAI was established as an independent autonomous body, under the Ministry of Public Health, for the purpose of regulating the food licensing process in the country. The legal backing used by the Ministry of Public health is the ‘Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006’, a law passed to ensure the safety of food products, through the enforcement of necessary standards and regulations. All of the licenses issued by the FSSAI are issued under this law, if one were to apply for a food license in India.

The term FSSAI is an acronym for ‘Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’

The purpose of setting up the FSSAI department was in very simple words, for the sake of efficiency and simplicity of the food safety registration and regulation in India. Today, all food manufactures are required to get FSSAI license, in order to operate in the market.

Procedure For Obtaining FSSAI License Registration

FSSAI registration is initiated by submitting Form A (application) to the Food and Safety Department.

This application can be accepted or it may be rejected by the Department within 7 days from the date of receipt of an application and the rejection has to be intimated to the applicant in writing

If the application is accepted, then the department will grant a registration certificate with the registration number and the photo of the applicant.

FBO should prominently display the certificate of registration at the place of business during business hours.

Documents Required For FSSAI License Registration

The common documents required for Basic, State and Central Registration are a passport photo and a photo ID proof.

For State and Central license, the following additional documents will be needed

  1.  A completed and signed Form B
  2.  Address proof
  3.  List of food category and products
  4.  Layout plan of the proposed location
  5.  List of equipment
  6.  NOC from municipality
  7.  Incorporation certificate
  8.  List of directors/partners
  9.  MOA and AOA
  10.  Water test report
  11.  Import Export Code

FSSAI License Registration In India

To ensure the health and well-being of citizens is always the primary concern of the Indian government. Due to this, the government always kept a close eye on food standards. Therefore, to ensure the maintenance of these food standards and the public’s health, FSSAI registration is made mandatory!

Any person or business operator who starts their food business or is involved in the storage, manufacturing, processing, or sale of food products needs an FSSAI License. It ensures that your food is 100% safe to consume and is verified chemically.

So, if you are going to commence your food business and are looking for a leading consultant that helps you in getting FSSAI License Registration in  India, then get in touch with E-Filing Center. We are a leading consultancy that helps you in completing the registration process with ease!

Who Require FSSAI License Registration In India?

All those businesses and individuals who are connected with food require FSSAI License Registration. Some of them are mentioned below. Have a look!

  • Food Manufacturers
  • Hotels & Caters
  • Food vending agencies
  • Food Storage Unit
  • Food Product Retailers
  • Food Packaging Unit
  • Importer & Exporter of food products
  • Raw Material Supplier
  • Transporter & Distributors
  • Restaurant
  • Canteen & Mess
  • Re-packer

Advantages Of Obtaining An FSSAI License Registration In India

Acquiring an FSSAI License Registration in India will offer several benefits to your food business. It will help build the goodwill of your business and play a significant role in creating brand awareness. Apart from this, it assists in expanding your business and creates a roadmap that helps regulate, manufacture, and distribute food products and services. Therefore if you want to obtain FSSAI License Registration, then connect with E-Filing Center today!

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